You are capable of So Much More

2 min readJun 11, 2022

You’re stronger than you feel, wiser than you think, and more loved than you believe. If you could fathom all that you’re capable of achieving, you would be amazed by yourself.

Now the problem doesn’t lie in your potential. Your potential is God’s investment of power within you for the sake of accomplishing his intention for your life.

The problem we face is believing in ourselves. Your potential will always remain dormant if it isn’t mixed with the belief that ignites action.

So how do we begin to unlock our self-belief?

We don’t. What we need to do is shift our attention away from ourselves and begin to see God within us. All we have to do is align and become a conduit for the work he is already doing.

The key to unlocking your potential is to decrease. This doesn’t mean you become less than yourself. It means you are less preoccupied with everything that serves your purpose and eternal fulfilment.

This isn’t to say we don’t have a part to play; rather, we must take full responsibility for shining the light we are given to manifest. If this truth became your reality, just imagine how much freedom from performance you would feel.

You don’t need to force your light to shine — you just let it shine. As co-creators, God doesn’t abandon us to work and live alone in this world. He is conspiring with all the good in the world for our favour.

So slow down. Become aware of his presence within you. Step into the unknown, knowing you are enough.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog




Sipping coffee, listening to lofi-hip-hop, hoping my writing inspires high performing leaders to reach their full potential.