Why failure should become your daily ritual

1 min readOct 3, 2021

Humans are born with a natural tendency to avoid failure, and as a result, we may miss out on many valuable lessons that only failure can teach.

While aiming for success is important, I believe that progress is more important. So, by increasing our chances of failing, we increase our chances of making progress.

Now, progress is always in the direction of forward motion. On the surface, failure appears to be a force that pulls us away from our goals.

However, if we take a closer look at failure, we can see that there is a lot to be gained from failure that inactivity cannot teach.

So the fact that you are taking a risk puts you ahead of many others who are simply wishing for their dreams to come true.

Maybe the fear of failure isn’t such a big deal after all. Perhaps the greater issue is our desire for safety, which keeps us bound in our shell.






Sipping coffee, listening to lofi-hip-hop, hoping my writing inspires high performing leaders to reach their full potential.