The Call to a Creative Life

2 min readApr 22, 2022

To live a creative life is to live a life set apart for the purpose of birthing the ideas that are in your heart.

I’ve discovered that I do not thrive in certain environments that sap my ability to step into the flow of creativity. I need a lot of time alone, as well as the freedom to arrange activities as my energy dictates.

A creative life may be unconventional to the status quo. However, with the advancement of technology and the rise of the creator’s age, it is now more workable than it was a decade ago.

If this resonates with you, you can seize the opportunity to live a creative life by doing the following:

  • Be fearless

Society. Parents. The traditional school system will attempt to steer you towards an outdated and safe route in life. But be brave enough to abandon the older pattern in favor for a new path to fulfillment.

  • Guard your creative flow

Your creative flow makes you feel alive. Yet there are some people and places that just dampen or stifle that flow. So, do all you can to position yourself in atmospheres that summon your highest potential.

  • Be willing to be misunderstood

Everyone will not understand the call to a creative life. Not everyone will appreciate the reasons you won’t follow a conventional path. But you don’t need to over-explain yourself to anyone. Be unapologetic about what matters most to you.

As you can see, see, the creative life is both risky and gratifying. So don’t dull your light by hiding in the shadows of conventional thought; instead, stand out.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog




Sipping coffee, listening to lofi-hip-hop, hoping my writing inspires high performing leaders to reach their full potential.