Creators, here is the secret to increased productivity.

2 min readNov 9, 2021

Are you feeling tired?

Do you feel overburdened?

Look, I completely understand.

As I write this, I’m feeling completely exhausted, which makes me wonder:

We must stop glamorising a culture of nonstop hustling. And instead start celebrating the miracle of mindful and intentional work.

I’m not saying that work isn’t important. Work is important. It is a necessary step toward a life of deep fulfilment.

However, when our worth is wrapped up in and lost in our work, our sense of self becomes warped and infected with stress and anxiety.

Simply put, our creative soul was not designed to function well under the prolonged friction of the hustle.

We need the fresh air of riving rest.

and here we reach a point where soul-care is a top priority and included in the process our work.

In this day and age, the run-down artist is not a hero.

Rather, the artist who is healthy, whole, and centred is a rare breed deserving of a standing ovation.

So what good is it if you conquer the entire world but lose touch with your own soul?

Still, many of us are drawn to a fast-paced lifestyle. It is also extremely addictive to the ego.

This Culture pushes unrealistic and counterproductive ideals on us, preventing us from discovering the miracle that exists within each one of us.

And the truth is that we are living souls with enormous capacity to care, connect, and create.

Remember, the truth of who we are will set us free from the lies of who we are not.

and that’s side of us that we need nourish all the more.

If you found any value in this please consider subscribing and connecting with me. I look forward to hearing from you.

I. T




Sipping coffee, listening to lofi-hip-hop, hoping my writing inspires high performing leaders to reach their full potential.