How to Navigate New Beginnings

2 min readJun 2, 2022

As exciting as a new beginning can be, it can also be overwhelming.

When something new comes into your life, expected or unexpected, it usually requires a readjustment. While we want to accommodate the new into our lives, this process can weary the soul.

That’s why many people spend a significant amount of energy trying to keep things as they are. They resist change because if you want a new beginning, it’s going to cost you letting go of something old.

A new beginning will demand a change of mindset. Its very presence in your life is a call to growth. It will challenge you to realign your beliefs and behaviours.

At first, this may feel like resistance. The pull towards your comfort zone will feel tempting. But remember, fulfilment is the by-product of stretching beyond who you are now to discover who you are when you refuse to give up.

A new beginning will offer new chances and lessons. Be open to learning something new. There is so much more experiences Life has to offer you.

There are talents and capabilities that only a new beginning can unlock. So, if you fully choose to immerse yourself in the wonder of a fresh adventure, be prepared to be transformed.

It may feel slow. It may feel hard. You may want to quit, but when you do feel like this, give yourself one more shot.

I promise it will be worth it.


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Sipping coffee, listening to lofi-hip-hop, hoping my writing inspires high performing leaders to reach their full potential.