Feel the Pressure, and then Rise Above it

2 min readOct 17, 2021

We all feel pressure. We are all under some sort of strain.

The pressure to conform.
The pressure to grow up and mature.

The pressure to meet the needs and wants of those we are responsible for. The pressure to be socially accepted. The pressure to keep up with the Jones.

Pressure, in whatever way it manifests itself, may either drive us to be the greatest or bring out the worst in us.

In definition, pressure is when we apply some sort of force upon a subject or an object. With this in mind, the pressure you feel is a force that might manifest itself externally or internally.

“Everything negative — pressure, challenges — is all an opportunity for me to rise.” ~ Kobe Bryant

To rise above pressure, we must first identify where it is coming from. External pressures might include demanding work, parenting children, money troubles, the news, and social media. Internal pressures might include things like comparison, self-doubt, sorrow, negative self-talk, and so on.

The pressure cycle is never-ending. It might start within you and then impact how you react to the outside world, or it can originate from somewhere else and affect your internal world.

The secret to rising above pressure is not to resist it.

Life is full of pressures and if we permit it, it is what grows us and propels us forward. The most important thing to realise is that you have a POWER inside you that can transform stress into something great and beneficial.

At times, the pressure we feel might overwhelm us; this is merely a sign that we need to increase our awareness in order to better manage ourselves during these hard moments.

The essential thing is not to give up your POWER and allow pressure to cause you to behave in ways that are less than your ideal self.

As stated before, pressure is a part of life. What matters is what you choose to do with it. When you feel that force of pressure, whether it is internal or external, identify it. Then remember your ideals and values, and utilise your POWER to convert the pressure into a positive force in your life.






Sipping coffee, listening to lofi-hip-hop, hoping my writing inspires high performing leaders to reach their full potential.