A man’s journey to discover his true identity

2 min readDec 28, 2021

Many guys nowadays are not truly themselves.

They are misled by what society perceives them to be and, as a result, never experience the liberation of being whole.

Authentic manhood, in my opinion, is being in tune with your courage and venerability, being in service and accountable to individuals you are called to lead and protect, and being passionately present with yourself and others at all phases of life.

With this description in mind, many of us guys are not living up to our full potential as men for a range of reasons, which I will discuss more below:

Our courage is constantly being challenged by our lack of integrity and discipline. Men were formerly called to a standard of order and truthfulness, but many outlets today appear to teach us to be distant from that.

Furthermore, we are terrified of being vulnerable because we haven’t seen it modeled, and the messaging we’ve gotten tells us that ‘Real Men Don’t Cry.’

So we have guys who haven’t addressed childhood scars and wonder why so many of us have addiction problems — we’re just numbing the cry of the small child within us. As a result, it’s simple to understand why so many men lack emotional intelligence and self-awareness.

Authentic manhood calls us out of hiding behind our baggage and to a place of wholeness. And it is only through discovering what isn’t actually us that we can begin to move into the freedom of being our authentic selves.

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Sipping coffee, listening to lofi-hip-hop, hoping my writing inspires high performing leaders to reach their full potential.