A Guide to Navigating Seasons of transition

Figuring out the next phase of life?

2 min readJan 11, 2022
Photo by Yulia Polyakova from Pexels

Many of us have trouble moving forward when we aren’t certain of the next step. We ruminate on what to do next. I’ve found that transitioning into your next phase requires patience.

Our addiction to always appearing busy at something hinders the childlike wonder. Which is necessary for us to evolve and discover everything we are capable of. Let’s be honest: it’s not sexy when people ask you what your next move is and you have no idea, but I can assure you that it’s perfectly normal. Rome was not built in a single day.

Finding out what will inspire you next takes time and reflection. Almost anything worth having is worth waiting for. As you wait, why not enjoy the beauty of the in-between? Let go of the need to always know what will happen next.

This is permission to slow down in life and allow the grace of inspiration to unfold naturally. While you’re in the waiting, revisit old work, visit some fresh places, show interest in other people’s projects, and take the time to reflect on everything that resonates with your core values.

May these words help you restore the honour of not knowing it all and give you the space to feel the ease of just being, and soon you’ll naturally figure things out.




Sipping coffee, listening to lofi-hip-hop, hoping my writing inspires high performing leaders to reach their full potential.